As part of the buying process, Manfort Laboratories Sdn Bhd will collect personal information such as name, IC, date of birth, address, email and contact number to register your account with us. We take the highest precautions to protect your personal data and ensure that all information obtained on our website will be kept secured and not accessible by anyone over the internet.

The information provided will be used to provide you with product launch, product updates, events and sales promotions of products marketed by Manfort Laboratories Sdn Bhd. You can choose to unsubscribe to this marketing emails at anytime.

作为购买过程的一部分,Manfort Laboratories Sdn Bhd 将收集个人信息,例如姓名、身份证号码、出生日期、地址、电子邮件和联系电话,以便向我们注册您的帐户。我们采取最严格的预防措施来保护您的个人数据,并确保在我们网站上获得的所有信息都将受到保护,任何人都无法通过互联网浏览。

所提供的信息将用于为您提供 Manfort Laboratories Sdn Bhd 营销产品的产品发布、产品更新、活动和促销信息。您可以随时选择取消订阅此营销电子邮件。

Credit cards payment is processed by 信用卡付款由以下机构处理
Razer Merchant Services - Secure Online Payment Gateway 安全在线支付网关

Your personal information such as credit cards details and bank account numbers are used to process the payment and will be kept confidential. We do not share personal details with any third party as we have stringent security in place to keep your information safe at all times.

Manfort Laboratories Sdn Bhd reserves the rights to update the Privacy Policy contents without prior notice to the customers. Please check for updates, if any, on the Privacy Policy page.
Manfort Laboratories Sdn Bhd 保留更新隐私政策内容的权利,恕不另行通知客户。请在隐私政策页面上检查是否有更新(若有)。